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Helping support Therapists & Trainees grow / Promotion and knowledge of Mental Wellbeing in Work

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I offer private supervision on both individual and group basis.  This can be done in a variety of modes; including telephone, Skype and face to face.   I have had training in supervision, and have supervised a variety of different therapists for 6 years.

I am a great believer in supporting people's development in their careers, and I have regularly supervised both trainee cognitive behavioural therapists, and trainee clinical psychologists.  I am also happy to listen to CTSR recordings as part of our supervision.


Keeping well at work is an area of interest for me.  I can offer bespoke wellbeing workshops for organisations, around areas such as stress management or sleeping well.

I have also designed "mental health awareness" workshops for companies; to help their staff understand and recognise signs of common mental health issues such as trauma, anxiety and depression and think about steps they can take to support their community (e.g. Citizen's Advice Bureau, council workers, charities)

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Supervision & Workshops: Services
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